join celpip online classes from the comfort of your couch
Do you want 7 8 9 10 Score in CELPIP exam ?
We offer a part-time online flexible schedule for morning & evenings
Experienced tutors
Do you have trouble expressing yourself in English? Maybe you are not confident enough to use the language in front of native speakers? Our tutors have hands-on experience of teaching CELPIP for more than 5 years now. Our tutors have helped students to achieve 11 CLB level. We have developed our own study material according to the CELPIP standard and format.
Tutors will share how to structure your answers and do's & don'ts of each task. Identify your mistakes and let you know what are your weak areas on which you have to focus. All sessions are hand-graded by the tutors.

Customized and Personalized Tutoring
You don’t have to purchase any book. All your course material is included in your plan. Along with these online live tutoring sessions, you will also get home tasks practice lessons that will be evaluated by the tutor, and feedback will be shared. At the end of the course mock-test, a simulation test will be also conducted.
Apart from CELPIP Tasks and questions if the tutor feels you need some extra resource material for vocabulary, grammar, sentence construction that will also be provided by the teacher.
Online Whiteboard Classrooms
You can join these online whiteboard classrooms from any device. We prefer it if you use a laptop or a computer system as the screen is bigger otherwise you can join through your mobile also. It’s a virtual classroom powered by Cisco. It has all the tools such as whiteboard, writing tools there teacher will upload reading, writing, listening, and speaking tasks. Both tutor and student can write and upload files on a common whiteboard and instantly see each other’s work.
You need to have google chrome, internet speed, a pair of the headset and you are good to start your online classes.

Most Popular Courses
1 - 09:00AM TO 10:00PM EST (Toronto)
2-01:00PM TO 02:00PM EST (Toronto)
3 - 8:00PM TO 09:00PM EST (Toronto)
4 - 11:00PM TO 12:00AM EST (Toronto)
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Benefits of Online Tutoring

Real time evaluation
In every session your work will be assessed and evaluated by the tutor and feedback will be shared in the session. Home Tasks will also be evaluated.

Flexible Schedules
We have sessions in the morning, afternoon, evening, and late-night. You can even swap between your class timings.

Easy Enrollments
You can easily enroll online through Paypal, Credit-Card or e-transfer. You will get a copy of your order in your email.

Portable Learning
Don't limit yourself to any one specific device. Join easily from any device at anytime from anywhere. Your mobile, computer desktop, laptop or tab.

Study resources
All study resources are included in the plan you purchase. You will get practice home tasks on your email.

Easy Access
We have developed a very user friendly system in which you can easily log into your sessions.
At Radix tree we love to put a smile on your face
We are here to ease your burden of upcoming test !
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